Educare : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam <p>Educare: Journal of Islamic Education is a journal published by the Islamic Education Study Program of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Togo Ambarsari to increase the research out-put of the academic community. The focus and scope of this journal are Islamic education studies in all aspects ranging from Islamic Education, Islamic Integrated Science, Islamic Learning Technology; Political Legacies and Critical Islamic Education; Professional Education and Learning, Islamic Learning Design; Islamic Learning Methods on Teaching Islamic Values; Literacy of Islamic Development Islamic Teaching; Progressive Islamic Education and Learning; and Other Issues Islamic Education. This journal is published periodically in a 6-month period, namely January and July. The e-ISSN Educare is 2797-xxxx</p> en-US Fri, 14 Feb 2025 06:31:37 +0000 OJS 60